My Son in Law’s birthday is next month so I thought I would get a head start on his card. He is a very outdoorsy man. He likes cars, fishing, and hunting. Well, I have none of that stuff. So I decided to borrow some manly sets from Kim one of my fellow demonstrator friends. I have since decided maybe I do need one of the two sets I borrowed. I borrowed Best Catch and By the dock bundles. For my card, I decided to do an idea I got from a few ladies on Pintrest. You can best get the description from Frenchie. Click here for her blog post about this card. She got the idea from Gaylene Clarkson.
The Card

I have never done a 3D Fold card like this so it was new to me. I am pretty happy with it. The background was done with the Mountain Air set. Living in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains it seemed perfect. I did a watercolor technique with it. Using watercolor paper and get it damp, not soaking wet or it will definitely blur together. It did that in some spots. Normally I would redo the card, but I really don’t think my son-in-law would mine. Besides, it will most likely end up being carried around by the youngest and who knows what will happen after that. Haha.

I think I will have to do this one again and again. I can see many many more ideas with this one. It is pretty easy to put together with some simply stunning results. Thank you, Frenchie for once again helping me out with something I had trouble coming up with myself until I saw yours.
I hope you all are as inspired as I was by this card to get creative today. One task now off my list. Now onto some more.
Product List
I can not wait to try it again. I am hoping to get inspired to do more, but the quarantine is really starting to kill me slowly. I find my self daydreaming and staring out the window wanting to just go out for the day. Go shopping, have lunch, garden shop, do some errands, etc. Sadly not to be.
The retiring list is coming out April 22nd, I will post when it becomes available. If you want an annual catalog you need to let me know before April 30th, 2020.
Happy Craftin’
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